Upgrade Appsmith Versions
This page provides step-by-step instructions to update Appsmith to the latest version on your self-hosted instance.
Before updating, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
- At least 2 GB of free storage for backup and update tasks.
- Update your embedded or external MongoDB server to version 5.0 or later. Refer to the compliant platforms and follow the MongoDB Replica Set Upgrade Guide.
- Create a backup of your Appsmith instance. Follow the Backup instance guide.
Update instance
Follow these steps to update Appsmith to latest version on your self-hosted instance:
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- AWS ECS on EC2
- Azure Container Instance
- DigitalOcean
- Upgrade to the checkpoint version if your current version is older than v1.9.2. Refer to the Upgrade to checkpoint version guide.
- Locate your Appsmith installation directory by running:
docker inspect -f '{{ (index .Mounts 0).Source }}' <APPSMITH_CONTAINER_ID>
- Pull the latest Appsmith image and restart the container:
docker-compose pull && docker-compose rm -fsv appsmith && docker-compose up -d
- Upgrade to the checkpoint version if your current version is older than v1.9.2. Refer to the Upgrade to checkpoint version guide.
- Restart the container image:
- For Commercial Edition:
kubectl rollout restart deployment appsmith
- For Community Edition:
kubectl rollout restart statefulset appsmith
- For Commercial Edition:
- Log in to your AWS account and navigate to the Amazon ECS console.
- Select the cluster containing the container instance to update.
- Stop the task and allow the system to deploy a new task automatically.
- Verify the updated version is running successfully.
- Navigate to the Azure Portal and locate the Azure Container Instance running Appsmith.
- Restart the container by clicking the Restart button.
SSH into your droplet and navigate to the Appsmith installation directory:
cd /root/appsmith
Pull the latest image and restart the installation:
docker-compose pull && docker-compose rm -fsv appsmith && docker-compose up -d
If you encounter errors during the update, roll back to a previous version using the Restore instance guide. If issues persist, contact support using the chat widget available on the bottom-right of this page.
See also
- Schedule automatic updates for Appsmith installation: Learn how to schedule updates to keep your installation up-to-date effortlessly.